Friday, December 3, 2010

My favorite movies for when it's time to unwind

I realize I'm a film snob.

I watch a countless number of foreign films, classic films, films from the Criterion Collection, and more. The hobby has become a bit of an obsession and addiction -- although I don't plan on quitting anytime soon.

While this blog runs the risk of being high-brow given my interests in the overall art of filmmaking, I understand -- and appreciate -- the need to let loose every now and then and watch something that doesn't require too much thought, but is perfect for a night of relaxation. 

That said, here are my top movies for a night in just chillin'.

12. Grandma's Boy
I just found this movie within the last year, actually. And it made me laugh my ass off. It's from Adam Sandler's production company, but he's not in it. His friends are. And it's pure guy humor. With video games, weed and more the story makes you laugh, makes you feel for Alex and it's just an overall feel good story that will have you laughing.



11. The Sandlot
'Nuff said.
This is a classic film of boys being boys, playing baseball in a vacant lot behind someone's house. There is mischief, friendship and above all, baseball. The movie came out when I was about 11 or 12 and it's still funny.


10. Sleepy Hollow 
My favorite Tim Burton film, this is a winter favorite as the snowfall in the village is perfect for a late night. It also can scare you a bit before heading to bed.

9. The Big Lebowski 
Some of the funniest lines from the genius of the Coen Brothers and a funny and fucked up story about mistaken identity, a rug that gets pissed on, a missing toe, bribery, hostages and "fucking Nihilists." Just remember, the Dude abides.

8. Happy Gilmore/Billy Madison 
They're pretty much one in the same. One is about a failed hockey player turned golfer and the other is about a man who repeats the kindergarten through senior year in high school to try and get his dad's company. Adam Sandler and company's first two films offers up funny and memorable one-liners that pretty much anyone reading this has recited time and time again. And it never gets old. "Hey Grandma, you know that Mister-mister lady? I think I killed her."

7. Zoolander 
The first time I watched this movie, I sat with my mouth gaping at its sheer stupidity. Until the freak gasoline accident. Ever since then, this is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen and the use of male models and playing them up as being stupid -- along with some of the things they say throughout the movie (for example encouraging bulimia as a good way to lose pounds before a show or Derek Zoolander being concerned with kids who don't know how to read good but want to learn how to read good) is funny. Just don't let Derek read my eugoogoly.

6. Tommy Boy 
Chances are I -- and everyone I know -- can recite every line in this movie and yet it never gets old. It's kind of like the "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" of the 90s, only a lot funnier.

5. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 
First, "Dear Lord baby Jesus, lyin' there in your ghost manger, just lookin' at your Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors. I would like to thank you for bringin' me and my mama together, and also that my kids no longer sound like retarded gang-bangers." 

And second, "Reese: Now, there's nothing like driving to avoid jail. Nothing hones your mind and your instincts like necessity. So I taped a kilo of cocaine underneath the car and called the boys in blue. Now the way I figure it, you got about two minutes before they show up, and you do five to ten. So, what's it gonna be? Fear or prison? Ricky: What the hell are you talking about? Reese: Real simple, son! Cops are coming! There's a kilo of Colombian bam-bam underneath the car! Time to be a man! You got hair on your peaches or what?"

Yeah, it's that funny.

4. Back to the Future Trilogy 
It doesn't matter which of the three movies it is, I watch one of them at least once a month -- much to the chagrin of my wife who teases me for my love affair with these movies.

3. The Royal Tenenbaums 
I watch this movie a lot. And every time I do, I find something new that I never noticed before. While it's a dark comedy and requires a little bit of thought, the movie is rather amusing and funny and no matter how many times I watch it, it's the little things that keep me laughing -- and coming back. Like Dudley, who has no depth perception, is colorblind, has an acute sense of hearing and has a host of other issues standing in front of the taxi and has a problem with the fact that there are dents all over the cab. "I'm not colorblind, am I?" "I'm afraid you are."

2. Napoleon Dynamite 
Best late-night comedy. The movie gets funnier and funnier every time I watch it. I thought it was stupid the first time I watched it, but the more I saw it the more I began to understand that the humor in it all. "Take a look at what I'm wearing, people. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys?"

1. Dumb and Dumber 
Possibly the stupidest characters in any movie I've ever seen. Yet this is a comedy classic. Like "Tommy Boy," it's kept me laughing since I saw it in the theater when I was in junior high. "I always expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this. Man, that John Denver, he's full of shit."

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