Friday, March 4, 2011

Fake Criterion: The Kubrick Collection

One of the more coveted items for the Criterion Collection are Stanley Kubrick's collection of films. While early films like "Paths of Glory" and "Spartacus" have seen DVD and Blu-ray releases, the popular titles from the 1960s, 70s and even into the 80s have yet to see a DVD release on Criterion.

I even toyed with the idea of using the masqueraded and topless woman from "Eyes Wide Shut" for my design. But, much to my surprise, the photos were all pixelated and I decided to keep this somewhat family-friendly. I'd really like to take another shot at "2001" and "A Clockwork Orange." I feel I went to basic and mimicked the new designs on the remastered DVDs that came out a few years ago.

While these are some of the more popular Criterion fakes, it only felt natural to use these as my next installment of fake designs as some of these films are among my favorite films.

2001: A Space Odyssey

A Clockwork Orange

The Shining

Dr. Strangelove ...

Barry Lyndon

Eyes Wide Shut

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